Clearing Calendar for Certificates

For the relevant dates regarding submission deadlines for additives, certificate issuance and tradability of certificates, the Biomethan Register provides the Clearing calendar for certificates.

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2022 November
31 1 2 3 4 5 6
08.11.2022 Closing date additives
  • Biomethane production plants who add propane during preparation for injection into the grid must enter these added quantities into the Biomethan Register Austria as additives. As a result, these are not taken into account when generating the certificates and are therefore deducted from the total feed-in quantity (5th working day of the following month).
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24.11.2022 Invoice dispatch balance group coordinator
  • Dispatch of the imbalancing energy invoices of the balancing group coordinator (11th working day of the following month).
25.11.2022 Issuing of biomethane certificates
  • The certificates are issued on the basis of the measured values from the clearing carried out by the balancing group coordinator.
26 27
28.11.2022 Certificates tradable
  • Further use (transfer, split, cancellation) in the Biomethan Register Austria is possible as of the 13th working day of the following month.
29 30 1 2 3 4

These dates are subject to the execution of the clearing of the balancing group coordinator according to its clearing calendar. The market participants concerned shall be informed as soon as the balancing group coordinator becomes aware of any postponements in the issuing of certificates due to delays in the clearing processing of the balancing group system. Liability claims due to delayed certificate issuances are excluded.
