Biomethane as sustainable biofuel
The national implementation of the European Directive on the Promotion of Renewable Energy Sources (2009/28/EC) is reflected in the Austrian Fuel Quality Regulation (250.VO/2010) and the Fuel Ordinance 2012. It mandates the Federal Environmental Agency (Umweltbundesamt GmbH, UBA) to maintain a national biofuel registry (elNa).
To prevent double counting of biomethane, UBA and AGCS, have established a cooperation for information and data exchange on the use of Austrian biomethane in the transport sector. Such a cooperation was unique in Europe at the time of establishment (2016) and still is today. All necessary organisational processes have been established and the underlying technical processes have been prepared.
Thus, in the case that biomethane volumes have been registered with the elNa by Federal Environmental Agency in the context of use as biofuel in the sense of the Austrian Fuel Quality Regulation, it is possible to verify the cancelled biomethane volumes in the Biomethan Register Austria.
Read more about the electronic biofuels registry elNa here.