
An individual model of master data allows the standardised documentation of companies operating production plants, auditors, and traders. It is also possible to register specific entities such as the Green Power Settlement Agency (OeMAG Ökostromabwicklungsstelle AG). A comprehensive logging and monitoring system tracks the issuing, splitting, transfer and cancellation of certificates in a transparent manner. Each individual market participant (legal entity) may have several personalised accounts (staff members / registered users) assigned to it.

Despite being small, with around 40 market participants and nearly 90 personalised registered users (with access to dedicated accounts), the Austrian biomethane sector is still very active.
The registry system has been in operation since 2012 and has been extended over the years with the implementation of interfaces to different application registries and with the implementation of new certificate attributes. It is now also possible to document sustainability criteria according to RED II and incorporate the Proof of Sustainability (PoS) into the biomethane certificate.

The registry system has implemented several technical interfaces to exchange information and data. Data can be incorporated from the Austrian balancing group system, certificates can be exchanged with the dena Biogas Register Germany, data can be delivered to the database for Guarantees of Origin and cancellation statements can be used as basis for data entry in the elNa biofuels registry. The interface to the ERGaR Certificate of Origin Scheme for cross-border ownership transfers has been established which enables Austrian market participants to export and import biomethane certificates to/from other registries connected to the ERGaR scheme.
